This Monday we revised Artemis with enough players for a full crew. It defiantly changes the game with a full compliment.
We repositioned the Coms station to sit next to the captain where he could more easily see the main screen to direct the NPC starships as well as more easily communicate the available missions to the captain. I find that if Coms and Helm are too close they can dictate the course of the mission cutting the captain out of the loop.
The interesting sector maps as well add much more to the game as well. Nebula affecting sensors, Singularities, making areas hazardous.
The game remains fun especially with the harder difficulties and the different ships to use but it isn't without a few things I would like to see.
Using the Jump Drive needs a pretty animation when you enter jump space. At the moment the screens all black out briefly.
When Red Alert gets activated the siren is good I would like to see more of an effect on the displays of the different stations though.
At the moment with the random map placement it is possible that star bases can spawn inside asteroids. IT doesn't destroy them but it does rough up your own shields as they grind against the rock while you try and dock.
Along with this would be some better AI for the enemy ships. At the moment they close on a star base till they can attack it or the players interrupt them. This does mean they often fly into mine fields.
My final wish is for more control in the Games master screen. At the moment you can talk as if you were anyone and that's about it. Some control over the ships a big like an RTS would be nice and possibly give them some ability to move a bit quicker a little.