Saturday, 25 August 2012

This is why online accounts suck

Years ago a game came out by the name of Spore.  It was hugely hyped and the early videos looked so interesting.

Sadly the game that EA released bore only a passing resemblance to what was described.  It's still fun but it's not the game build around evolution more intelligent design.

There is a great feature where your creatures can be shared and appear in other peoples games and indeed when you try to start the game it will nag you to log in as well as pointing out how much better it is to be online.

Now this game has draconian DRM which thankfully didn't prevent me from installing and playing offline.  As crap as that is, this is a different problem.

Patches are delivered by the EA download manager which has now been replaced by Origin.  It's like a poor version of Steam.  Again poor but not the issue in question as I can get patches from slightly more roundabout ways.

No today's problem is what happens with your email address linked to an account no longer exists.  A while back MyRealBox used to provide free POP3 email but over a year ago they discontinued the service.  So I have an account for EA linked to a dead email address neither of which have been used in about 3 years.

I think you can see where this is going.

There is no way to find out my EA account password without the email account.  I can't transfer a game I own to an account I do have access to.  All I can do is create yet another email account somewhere else and get the customer service to change the email address on the account.

Why is this?  Surely I own the license to use the software not the fictional persona that exists only on EA's servers.

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